Friday, October 3, 2008

Sun Tech Days 2008

The Brazilian edition of Sun Tech Days (September 29 & 30) opened up space for lightening talks.
Diamond Powder was presented among other projects.

Thanks to my friend Cristiano Monteiro, who was in the audience and took this pictures.

Here I am, at the middle of the stage. On the left, we see Vinicius Senger (SuperCRUD) and Mauricio Leal (Sun). Just behind them we see the projected Diamond Powder Logo.

Here, I'm telling the audience about the fuel consume control application, based on Diamond Powder. On the right we se the other lightening talk speakers: Vinicius Senger (about SuperCRUD), Jefferson Prestes (about PHP with Java), and Wagner Santos (Java EE 6 / EJB 3.1)

Wagner Santos, my friend, and a NetBeans Evangelist, helped me to set up the environment.

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